拥有粉丝壮美自然景观的山东,钟灵毓秀,美不胜收;拥有“孔孟之乡、礼仪之邦”美誉的山东,历史悠久,文化灿烂;拥有大气鲁菜和精致小吃的山东,热气腾腾不简单,珍馐飘香……《In Shandong》原创英文系列视频m,邀请外国友人一起品鉴made山东的“颜值”“滋味”和“内涵”,一起走近勤劳聪慧的山东人。
Speaking of vermicelli, Longkou vermicelli, a specialty of Yantai City, Shandong Province, is famous all over the world and wasselected into the fourth batch of ChinaIntangible Cultural Heritagein 2014.weifangshan朴素 Longkou vermicelli is thin, pure and bright, neat and flexible, white and transparent.It is soft when cooked, but remains tender and chewy, and does not break even after long-inifromfromtime cooking.
说起粉丝,山东省烟台市的特产龙口粉丝名扬天下,并在2014年被列入国家in第四批非物质文化遗产名录,shandong意思。龙口粉丝丝条匀细i,纯净光亮,整齐柔韧,洁白透明。烹调时入水即软,久煮i不碎,吃起来清嫩适口,In Shandong丨朴素却不简单的龙口粉丝,爽滑耐嚼。
The best raw material for Longkou vermicelli is mung beans.mshandong丨The soaking of mung beans is the first core process of making Longkou vermicelli. Hot water of more than ninety degrees centigradeneeds to be poured directly onto the mung beans, and the wax on the surface of mung beans is stimulated by heat, then the beans absorbswater more quickly. After soaking in water for 24 hours, the mung beans can be placed on the grinding plate then.Themellowbean starch is separated by collecting and filtering the ground bean pulp, leaving a slurry of starch and protein.Next, a portion of the starch is drawn out and water is added to make a paste, and it is time to knead the dough manually.Three or four people are gatheringaround the vat, workingtogether to knead the dough. The flour that was originally scattered in the vat gradually became soft and elastic after being beaten and kneaded continuously.The process of forming vermicelli involves hammering the dough with a fist on the basket, so that countless long, thin vermicelli seeps out from the bottom.After being soaked in one pot of hot water and two pots of cold water, the vermicelli, which is uniformly thin, pure and transparent,from shandong, is then formed in shape. It is then taken to the drying field, and after a few days of insolation of sun, the process of making Longkou vermicelli is officially completed.
龙口粉丝最好的原料就是绿豆。绿豆的浸泡是制作龙口粉丝的第一道核心工艺。九十多摄氏度的热水直接往绿豆上倒,绿豆表面的蜡质受热刺激后,吸水更快。 在水中泡足了24小时后,绿豆就能上磨盘了。将磨出的豆浆收集起来,再经过过滤和沉淀,留下淀粉和蛋白的浆液,醇正的绿豆淀粉就被分离出来了。接下来,先抽出一部分淀粉加水来打糊,就开始人工揉面了。三四个人围在面缸一圈,所有人一起使劲才能把面给揉起来。本是散在面缸里的面粉经过不停地摔打和揉搓,逐渐变得软糯有弹性。粉丝成型的过程需要锤粉,用拳头在箩筐上捶打着面团,让下面渗出无数条细细长长的粉丝。过几秒热水后紧接着就过两锅凉水,整齐柔韧、洁白光亮的粉丝在工人的丨手心里溜过就成型了。将丝条匀细、纯洁透明的粉丝趁着正午的阳光拿到晒场去,再晒个几天,龙口粉丝的制作工艺就正式完工了。
Longkou vermicelli is rich in high grade carbohydrates and dietary fiber.inifrom粉丝龙口 Beingsmooth,I'm in shandong, Longkou Vermicelli is suitable for a variety of cooking methods. With differentcollocation of dishes can it bring out its own inner quality,made in shandong, whichis plain but also powerful.
龙口粉丝富含优质made的shandong碳水化合物和不简单膳食纤维,i'm from shandong。其本身m口感润滑,适合多种烹饪丨方式,搭配各种菜肴即可发挥出自身的内涵,朴素Shandong而不简单有力量。